Monday 5 April 2010

Pleasures like petals strewn

I just stumbled upon a lovely quote about Cecil Day-Lewis, poet laureate. Not a quote from him. A quote from novelist Elizabeth Jane Howard who knew him well for many years and helped care for him in the days before he passed away.

"Nobody was better at getting the utmost pleasure from the simplest thing ... A bunch of flowers, a toasted bun, a gramophone record ... a piece of cherry cake, a new thriller that he'd not read before ... a piece of sweet-smelling soap" noted Howard in her memoir, Slipstream (2002).

While we may not all be able to compose divine poetry like Day-Lewis, we are certainly able to get the greatest pleasure from the simplest things. You don't have to be an inspired poet to feel focused awareness and with it the rich appreciation that flows to our depths.

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